Pacwest Stock rasar över 35% Efter offentliggörande av resultatrapport för första kvartalet mitt i turbulensen i banksektorn

Following the acquisition of First Republic Bank by JPMorgan Chase, several regional banks such as Pacwest and Western Alliance experienced a significant drop in their stock prices. On Tuesday afternoon, all four major U.S. benchmark stock indexes are in decline as

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analys: BTC flyttar nedanför $30,000 på måndag, som US Dollar Rallys

Bitcoin started the week trading below $30,000, as the U.S. dollar strengthened during Monday’s session. USD/JPY rose to a one-month high, with the greenback also gaining against the euro and British pound. Ethereum var också lägre, falling below $2,100. Bitcoin Bitcoin

Analytiker misstänker att bankkrisen utlöste "Resting Bull Market" i guld, Silver kunde skriva ut mycket högre vinster

At the start of the week, a troy ounce of .999 fine gold was trading at $1,813 per enhet. Seven days later, gold rose 9.65% mot U.S.A. dollar to the current spot price of $1,988 per uns. Guld’s rise comes

USA:s inflationsdata lindrar oro; Kryptoekonomin hoppar 11% Högre medan marknadsanalytiker förutser Feds nästa beslut

USA. Labour Department släppte konsumentprisindex (KPI) rapport på tisdag. Även om inflationen ökade i februari jämfört med föregående år, uppgången var väntad, och den årliga inflationen för alla poster var 6%. Den svalkande inflationen har mildrat vissa farhågor, men…

Krypto, Rättvisa, Metallmarknaderna faller när tekniska vinster gör en besvikelse och USA:s ekonomiska svaghet fördjupas

Equity markets began the day in the red following the latest corporate earnings reports from some of the worlds largest firms, including Microsoft. The tech giants recent conference call was considered disappointing, and earnings from firms such as Boeing, Texas Instruments,…

Guld överglänste Bitcoin denna månad klättring 6% Högre mitt i USA:s fastighetsnedgång, Lägre KPI-data

Den här månaden, gold has outperformed bitcoin after crypto markets shuddered from the recent FTX collapse, and the precious yellow metal climbed 6.12% since the first of November. USA. housing market has shown weaknesses and October’s U.S.A. inflation rate was lower

Google Cloud kör en Solana Validator, Blockchain Node Engine kommer att stödja SOL Chain nästa år

After Google Cloud announced that it would offer a product called the “Blockchain Node Engine” and further noted that Ethereum would be the first blockchain supported, the company revealed it was running a Solana validator on Nov. 5, 2022. Google said

Det är fortfarande förbjudet att visa priser i amerikanska dollar, Ghanas centralbank berättar för skådespelerskan Lydia Forson

The Bank of Ghana recently warned businesses quoting U.S. dollar prices that the practice is still prohibited and that the cedi remains Ghana’s sole legal tender. The bank said it is working with law enforcement toclamp down on illegal foreign

Professor Steve Hanke säger att USA:s ekonomi var platt under det senaste året, men betonar "Det kommer att slå söderut"

Amid the chaotic economy, plagued with central bank tinkering, supply chain issues, and red-hot inflation, the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke believes apretty big recessionwill take place in 2023. Speaking in an interview on

Fidelity diskuterar Bitcoin som portföljförsäkring - kan snart stå i "stark kontrast" till vägen för Fiat-valutor

Fidelity Digital Assets, a subsidiary of Fidelity Investments, says that bitcoin could be considered portfolio insurance. The firm notes that the cryptocurrencymay soon stand in stark contrast to the path that the rest of the world and fiat currencies may